Author Guidelines


In scientific periodical publication Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine) published original articles covering issues of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, mineralogical and geochemical methods of search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as book reviews and newsreels materials. To be accepted materials that have not been published previously and is not currently being considered for publication in other journals.
All original articles are reviewed by leading Ukrainian and foreign experts.
The Journal does not publish review articles that do not contain new original data.
Articles published in Ukrainian and English.
No fee is required from authors for editorial preparation and publication of articles in the scientific edition Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine).

General requirements

To the Editor to send a paper copy of the article, signed by all authors, e-copy (required) and approximate layout of electronic paper.

Order of the materials in paper and electronic form:

Article title 
Authors surnames and initials 
Full names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (for contact with the authors also indicate email address)
Authors ORCID identifiers and/or Recearcher ID 
Text of the article (without figures and tables)
Bibliographic references
Tables (each on a separate page)
Figures (each on a separate page)
Figure captions (on a separate page) 

Summary in Ukrainian and English (1800 characters with spaces) with the title of the article, authors' surnames, their place of work and keywords (up to 7 words).

Each figure or table and figure captions file on a separate page. Articles in Ukrainian must duplicate the English names of tables and figure captions. Then, on separate pages - a summary of the article title, author's name, their place of work and keywords two other languages ​​(depending on the language of the article). All pages are numbered. In the end - information about each author: last name, first name and patronymic, email address, academic degree, academic rank.

Accepted for printing only structured article that the material consistently served as a logically related sections such as introduction, which includes the study and formulation of research objectives, a description of the objects and methods of research, a statement obtained original data (results and discussion) conclusions. Before bibliographic lists of links recommended that you place a short section Thanks (Acknowledgements).

Summary (100-180 words) to build so that readers without going to the full text of received ideas about the subject and level of published results. English summury should be expanded (maximum 250 words) necessarily structured (possible headings like the paper) and send basic information about the objects, research methods, results and conclusions.


Text typing in MS WORD format font Times New Roman, size 12 pt, 1.5 spacing, on page A4. Margins: bottom, top, left, right - 20 mm. Over- and substring indexes, formulas and mathematical signs should dial application using MS EQUATION 3.0. Physical quantities than commonly exclusions should be given in SI units. The volume of the indicative layout of the article, including a list of references and other language summary should not exceed 25 pages.

Foreign names and names to pass language article. In the case of foreign titles that have established Cyrillic spelling, transfer letters of the alphabet according to the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine "On Regulation of Latin transliteration of Ukrainian alphabet» (п).

Tables must have titles. Notes and footnotes to tables should be printed directly below them. Table dial font Times New Roman (size 8-10 pt). Each value in the table must meet one cell.

Illustrations provide electronic formats COREL, TIF, JPG with a resolution of 300 dpi grayscale pictures 600 dpi - for bar. The photographs (black and white) specify the top-down and scale. Figures text labels (names axles, minerals, symbols), regardless of the language of the article should be in English.

Bibliography. Lists of bibliographic references in alphabetical and chronological order and execute in two versions:

  1. According to the order of forming the list of scientific professional editions of promotion approved by Ukraine of 17.10.2012 № 1111 - according to GOST 7.1: 2006. Bibliographic data should contain the names and initials of all authors, title of the book or article on: a book - the city, publisher, year of publication and the total number of pages; for the article - the name of the journal or collection, year, volume (highlight) and issue number, page beginning and end of the article, its digital identifier - DOI (if any); for electronic publishing addition - for relevant web pages and access the date.
  2. According to the international scientometric databases - according to standard Narvard. Bibliographic data should contain (transliterated into Latin) names and initials of all authors / books, publication year (in parentheses), title of the journal / book, volume and issue number (for books - publishing house and place of publication), interval-page article, DOI (if available). Reference in the text to published literature should be given the numbers in brackets corresponding to number of sources in prystateynomu list. References to unpublished materials are not allowed.

Register article in edition only carried out subject to the rules for authors. In case of a substantial revision of Article date of its receipt is the date of the submission of a corrected version.

After successful review and approval of the article for printing at a meeting of the editorial board, authors sent "EULA" to use the work. Signing it all authors is a requirement for publication of the article. In case of rejection of the manuscript edition sends a message to the author about the decline. The paper copy paper edition does not return.

According to the actual content of materials, precision bibliographic references, quotations, writing geographical names and proper names liable authors of the manuscript.
For permission to reprint should contact the editorial office Mineralogical Journal (Ukraine).

According to Article 22 of the Law of Ukraine “On ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language as the state language” from 11.09.2020, articles in Russian are not accepted for publication: “Scientific publications are published in the state language, English and / or other official languages of the European Union. In the case of publication in English and / or other official languages of the European Union, the published materials must be accompanied by an annotation and a list of keywords in the official language“.
