In 1979 the Academician Eugen Lazarenko initiated the foundation of the Mineralogical Journal − the All-Union Republican periodical. By status it was a printed edition of two Academies − the Department of Geology, Geophysics and Geochemistry of the USSR Academy of Sciences and the Department of Earth Sciences of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Its center was in Kiev and its aim was to display the most significant achievements of the national mineralogy, which the Journal successfully coped with. These were not only all the largest libraries and geological institutions that subscribed the Journal. Many reputable foreign organizations considered it necessary to subscribe it as well. The success of the Journal was largely determined by the Editorial Board (Mykola Shcherbak as an Editor-in-Chief and Volodymyr Pavlyshyn as an Executive Secretary thoroughly selected the best works for publication). The first Editorial Board included such "giants" of the Soviet Mineralogy like Dmitry Grigoriev, Vladimir Sobolev, Fedor Chukhrov, Anatoly Ginzburg, Anton Walter. The scientists of the Institute − Alexander Povarennykh, Eugen Kukovskyi, Yuri Melnik, Alexey Platonov, Arkady Taraschan, Alexander Litvin etc., were also the members of the first Editorial Boards. Their advices and scientific editing provided a high rating of the Journal.
Since 1979 in the forty years 40 volumes of the Journal were published. At the very beginning there were 6 releases per year. Financial difficulties of the 1990s resulted in the reduction of the releases from 6 to 4 and expansion of the subjects. Mineralogy was joined by geochemistry, petrology and ore formation problems as a reflection of the subjects the scientists of the Institute worked on. In 2004 as time demanded the title of the Journal was translated into Ukrainian. Since 2006 the Mineralogical Journal has been included into the Program which supports the journals of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukrain provided by the Publishing House Akademperiodika as a parts Comprehensive Program on Creation and Development of Scientific and Publishing Complex of the NAS of Ukraine. Due to this Program the Journl is regularly and with a strict frequency released with a total volume of around 50 publishing sheets per year. The Journal publishes original articles covering issues of mineralogy, geochemistry, petrology, mineralogical and geochemical methods of the search and evaluation of mineral deposits, as well as the reviews of the books and chronicle materials. Articles are published in Ukrainian, English or Russian. Each article, regardless of the publication language, is accompanied by a summary provided in three languages which allows to expand the readership. The journal is distributed through the Subscription Agency Ukrinformnauka.
Now the Mineralogical Journal tries to keep up with the times. Each article is assigned a digital object identifier (DOI), which is used for the search of the articles in the network, citation indexes are calculated as well. Authors of manuscripts are required to provide their personal identifiers (ORCID). Since 2008, the Academician Alexander Ponomarenko leads the Editorial Board of the Journal. Except Ukraininan scientists, the Editorial Board is represented by many foreign scientists from Canada, USA, Germany, Poland, Russia. Many of them speak Russian, understand Ukrainian and accordingly are involved in the review of the manuscripts.